
What Is JupyterHub?

Here is an amazing slide deck about Jupyterhub: JupyterHub Thing Explainer

But here is a summary in one slide:

JupyterHub gives users access to computational environments and resources without burdening the users with installation and maintenance tasks.


Jupyter notebooks will be explained in later sections.

JupyterHub Access

  • The JupyterHub running on NCAR’s Cheyenne supercomputer is accessible at: https://jupyterhub.ucar.edu. To get access to this JupyterHub, head over to https://jupyterhub.ucar.edu and follow the instructions below:


Launch a Job

  • Once you hit the Spawn button, you will see this screen:

  • When your jupyter notebook server is up and running you will be redirected to a new page similar to: